(02) 8914 9064

Royal Australian Air Force Base Glenbrook

The RAAF Base is located in Quikdeck’s local community in the foothills of the NSW Blue Mountains, a natural bushfire prone area. Originally built in the 1930’s and previously The Old Lapstone Hotel, the Base is a historical landmark in the region. The base is undergoing a major external bushfire mitigation upgrade to achieve a bushfire attack level rating of BAL FZ.

The project involves removal of 3,500 sq/m of roof tiles and replacement and installation with new metal roofing, plywood, fire-rated protection batts, insulation, gutters and associated roofing works.

Our team has put in an exhaustive effort, and is powering ahead of project schedule in conjunction with our construction partner for our client, Australian Government, Department of Defence.


Image of a flying air force plane.

Australian Government Department of Defence logo


For a full scope of works and link for more photos click on View More.